Early to rise, early to read research papers

By Charles Sutton on January 3, 2015

Due to a recent bout of jet lag,1 I have found myself this week waking up at 5am. So I am experimenting with reading a paper first thing in the morning.

I am hoping that starting off the day with an intellectual task will help me to avoid “administrator brain”, which FSP describes in an excellent post.

So far (well, two days in) it has been really fun. It helps me to stay motivated, because after writing 50 emails in a day, your mind gets lost in minutiae, and you forget that you came to this job to learn, to help people, and to be creative.

Can’t promise that I’ll keep waking up at 5am, though.

  1. I have begin scheduling posts well in advance, so this bout will no longer be recent when you read this. 

Tags: productivity